2006 Alaskan Cruise


After a rather rough evening at sea after leaving Glacier Bay, the next afternoon we arrived in Ketchikan. Being true to form, it was raining fairly hard when we arrived. As Barbara and I relaxed on our verandah, we had to laugh as we watched people go ashore only to immediately turn around and come back aboard to avoid being drenched. The weather did not stop Katie as she went on a four-hour sea kayaking adventure.

For a bit of history about Ketchikan, click here

Katie's off for her sea kayaking adventure
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A normal wet Ketchikan
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That evening we had to again say good-bye to Alaska. The next full day we enjoyed the beauty of the Inside Passage on our way back to Vancouver, BC.

For a bit of history about the Inside_Passage, click here

Now that's a houseboat!
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A hint of a rainbow
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As our 7-day Alaskan adventure comes to an end, we again only have fond memories of the beauty Alaska has to offer, and all of our new friends we shared our meal with each evening. It is always fun sharing the day's shore adventures. The following is a collection of photos taken throughout the week.

An Octopus
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An Elephant
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A Stingray
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A Pig
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Please let me sleep!
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Catching up on the daily news
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If you have questions about this page, contact:
Robert J. Gulliford -- gulliford@comcast.net