Tracy Arm Fjord

The Tracy Arm Fjord


Located just fifty miles south of Alaska's capital city, Juneau, the spectacular fjord of Tracy Arm is comprised of Yosemite-like granite rocks, countless waterfalls, glass-smooth water, and mountain peaks rising more than 5,000 feet. The "arm" itself penetrates 30 miles into the Alaskan wilderness, bending between near-vertical mountain chasms thousands of feet tall. Waterfalls cascade from spruce and hemlock-forested valleys. As our ship meandered slowly around bend after bend, the Sawyer Glacier, one of the state's biggest glaciers, comes into view wedged at the end of Tracy Arm. A true high-light of our journey with spectacular view after view, just another day in Alaska.

Entering Tracy Arm Fjord
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What's Around the Corner?
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A Glimpse of Sawyer Glacier
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Getting Closer
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Our First Time Beyond the Island
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Heading Back Out of the Fjord
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Beautiful Waterfalls Everywhere
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Another One
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Interesting Rock Formations
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An Awesome Blue Iceberg
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Next port of call ... Juneau, AK

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