Puerto Quetzal
Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala

Guatemala is considered by many to be one of the world's most beautiful countries. Volcanoes, mountain lakes and jungles, combined with a population that is mostly of Indian decent, make this a unique land. Geographically, Guatemala is the northernmost country in Central America. It contains over 50,000 square miles of varied landscape, from mountains (with 33 volcanoes, some almost 14,000 feet high) to rain forests and crystal clear lakes and rivers. Guatemala is the most populated of all Central American nations, and is the only one that is largely Indian in language and culture. Guatemala's people are descendents of the ancient Mayan civilization. Mayan's developed great public architecture, were by far the first to develop an accurate calendar and displayed an explosion of energy in the arts, commerce, mathematics, and the development of the written language.

Guatemala's Cruise Terminal
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Guatemala's Cruise Terminal
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Taking his crop to market
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One of Guatemala's active volcanos
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Welcome to Antigua
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The narrow streets of Antigua
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Antigua's city square
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Antigua's city hall on the right
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Robert J. Gulliford -- gulliford@comcast.net