Panama Canal
Transiting the Panama Canal

Our ship passing under the Centennial Bridge
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The new Centennial Bridge I took on April 16th of 2004
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The new Centennial Bridge that opened in August of 2004
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An example of the mechanism that opens and closes the lock gates
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A up close mule driver saying goodbye
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Panama City in the far distant
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The visitor center jammed with people watching us pass through the final set of locks
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A closer view
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The container port of Panama City
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Approaching the "Bridge of the Americas" as we enter the Pacific Ocean
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After almost exactly eight hours transit time through the Canal, we exited the Miraflores lock and set sail for Golfo Dulce.

The toll charged to pass through the Canal is based on a number of things including the ship's size (i.e. its tonnage) and its cargo. The lowest toll on record was paid by Richard Halliburton in the 1920's who swam the length of the Canal. Based on his weight of 140 pounds, he was charged a toll of 36 cents. On our passage in 2004 (we never heard a cost this time) our ship's toll was around $240,000.00!

Tomorrow we cruise the Golfo Dulce

Continue our journey

If you have questions about this page, contact:
Robert J. Gulliford --