World travelers say that Acapulco has one of the five most beautiful harbors in the world, ranking with Sydney, Hong Kong,
San Francisco, and New York. Green and yellow hills rise to 3,500 feet directly behind Acapulco, but for scores of miles north
and south, the rest of the coast is flat and open to the seas. The jagged cliffs of La Quebrada have become famous for the daredevil
youngsters who dive 134 feet into a narrow tongue of foaming sea. The boys have their own association and work together, deciding
among themselves who dives when and at what time as apprentice has become skillful enough to dive from the highest crag.
With all of the publicized warnings about the violence in Mexico, especially in Acapulco, we decided to stay on board. We are
aware of at least two passengers who were robbed on the streets very close to the cruise terminal. Photos throughout Acapulco
can be seen in our 2004 Panama cruise webpage.