
Welcome Aboard
Bob's Garden Railway


The following is a collection of movie clips taken of the first runs.

(Videos were taken on Dec. 25, 2009)

The First Mogul Run (and crash!)

Two trains Passing

Two trains Passing

Stopping for a Photo Op

Making Another Loop

The following is a collection of videos of the last runs.

(Videos were taken on May 27, 2015)

Mogul (west side only)

Diesel Locomotive 108

Diesel waits for Mogul

Mogul Stops

Shay and Mogul (through window)

Shay and Mogul (inside)

Shay and Mogul (east side)

Shay and Mogul (east side)

Shay and Mogul (exit east side portal)

Shay and Mogul (west side loop)

Shay and Mogul (final walk around)

Shay and Mogul (final walk around)

Shay and Mogul (final panorama)

That's All Folks!